1. How many library service points did you have by the end of 2016 (calendar year)? Do you have a list of addresses for those at all? Please detail mobile libraries separately to buildings.2. How many library service points did you have by the end of 2023 (calendar year)? Please provide the addresses and detail mobile libraries separately to buildings.
3. Of those, which have had their opening hours reduced since 2016? And can you outline any changes please?
4. How many of these libraries have been transferred from council control to the control of volunteers since 2016?
5. Please tell us how many libraries have moved premises since 2016 and provide the former and current address.
6. Please tell us how many new libraries have opened since 2016 (not existing libraries moving to different buildings) and provide addresses.
7. How many library service points are proposed for closure within the next year? Please detail any mobile libraries separately to buildings.
8. How many members of staff worked for your libraries service by the end of 2016 calendar year (headcount please, not FTE)? And how many members of staff work for your libraries service by the end of 2023 calendar year (headcount please, not FTE)?
9. How many library service points were operated by volunteers by the end of 2016 calendar year? And how many library service points are operated by volunteers by the end of 2023 calendar? Please detail any mobile libraries separately to buildings.
10. The net spend on library services each year in the period 2016 to 2024.
11. How many books have been classed as Lost, Stolen or Missing per annum since 2016? Please also provide figures for the financial cost.
Scottish Borders Council advise that the responsibility for managing the Council s public libraries was devolved to Live Borders in April 2016. Therefore, we give notice under S17 of FOI(S)A 2002 and declare that information after this date is not held. Live Borders can be contacted by emailing: https://www.liveborders.org.uk/about-us/freedom-of-information/
Scottish Borders Council however can provide information regarding School Based Roles :
Note: Scottish Borders Council have no dedicated library services we only employ librarians in school-based roles
Headcount for 31/12/2016 = 10
Headcount for 31/12/2023 = 5