Forest Tracks - Freedom of information requests

Title or Description
Forest Tracks
FOI Number
Date Received
Type of Request
Request or Question
I would like to make an enquiry about forest tracks in the Scottish Borders in relation to planning applications 23/01670/PN and 23/01092/PN.
Please could you provide all correspondence in relation to these applications between Scottish Borders Council and the agents for the landowners, Pryor and Rickett Silviculture and any related parties, such as Euroforest Holdings.

Please could you provide all correspondence from all other parties in relation to these applications, including that from Scottish Forestry and the owners, The Trustees of the Carbon Sequestration Fund.

Please could you provide evidence that the local community was made aware of this planning application.
A Scottish Borders Council staff member ( Ranger Service) attended an online Teams meeting with organiser on 26 May 2023.
Meeting time was 1000-1030.
Meeting ended at 44m32 seconds there is not any related file or chat in Teams held.
However, please find attached correspondence held by the Scottish Borders Council s access ranger service in relation to the request above, there has been some redaction carried out on the attached file as this is considered personal information and is exempt from disclosure under regulation 11(2) of the Environmental Information (Scotland) regulations 2004.

All further correspondence relating to both applications (23/01670/PN and 23/01092/PN) is available to view on the planning portal through Public Access.

The individual should search for both applications by clicking on the following link and adding the reference numbers to the simple search function and clicking on the search button.
Simple Search (

There is no requirement under Planning Regulations that require the applicant or the Planning Authority to notify the owner/occupier of neighbouring land or the wider local community of the proposed forestry track applications. Both applications have been submitted under prior notification procedures for forestry buildings and operations as defined by Class 22 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992 as amended. This class of development allows for certain forestry works, including access tracks or private ways, to be carried out with deemed consent provided the developer (before beginning the development) applies to the planning authority for a determination as to whether the prior approval of the authority is required in respect, of the design, manner of construction or route of the private way. The planning authority then has 28 days in which to reach a determination as to whether such approval is required.

The applications are not planning applications, they are applications for prior notification/approval of works that benefit from deemed consent .
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