Situated alongside the ancient Roman military complex of Trimontium, Newstead is a small village with a long history. It has been associated with masons for much of its history, evident in the built fabric through surviving carved stonework and sundials.
The village layout is heavily influenced by its surrounding topography, with the main linear village street set on a steep slope above the historic flood plain. Informal pavements and building lines, green space, trees, vegetation, narrow lanes and small burns all add to its rural character.
The buildings are largely small-scale and domestic and follow the topography of the area by stepping up the slopes to create a varied roofline. Most date to the 18th and 19th centuries. Of one to two storeys, they have traditional forms, detailing and materials. Tall walls define the streetscape, some retaining evidence of previous buildings.
Designation, adoption and boundary information
Newstead Conservation Area was designated in 1985. Minor adjustments to the boundary were made in 2012 which consisted of general tidying of the boundary so it follows elements on the ground. A new Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Plan was adopted on 8 January 2024. No boundary changes were made at this time.