CRC Trade Access Permit Terms and Conditions
1. General
Our Community Recycling Centre (CRC) Trade Access Permit ONLY covers waste and recycling produced by the permit holder and cannot be used by Waste Management Companies to dispose of 3rd party waste. (Waste management companies are defined as companies that as part of their core activities collect commercial or household waste either in a skip or refuse collection vehicle or any vehicle over 3.5 tonnes.)
Permits are intended for businesses registered in the Scottish Borders area, however companies carrying out work in our area can purchase a permit by contacting us to discuss.
The permit tickets are valid for one year from date of issue.
We offer four types of CRC Trade Access Permits with differing load size options:
The Recycling Permit
Allows businesses to dispose of Dry, mixed recyclables such as paper, cardboard, card, cans and plastics (in line with the current kerbside collection service), scrap metal, green waste and wood. Tickets are available in small, medium and large load size.
The Recycling and General Waste Permit
Allows businesses to dispose of Green waste, rubble, soil, stones, general waste; dry mixed recyclables such as paper, cardboard, card, cans and plastics (in line with the current kerbside collection service), scrap metal, and wood. Tickets are available in small, medium and large load size. Please note disposal of rubble & soil is limited to the equivalent of a small load size per day.
The Charity Disposing of Donated Household Goods Permit
Allows disposal of donated household items charities could not reuse or recycle in their shop, wood (i.e. furniture), scrap metal, general waste and domestic WEEE (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment – computers, white goods, fluorescent tubes & light bulbs, TVs, monitors etc.) batteries, books, CDs, and textiles. Tickets are available in small, medium and large load size.
The Electrical Household Clearance Permit
Allows businesses carrying out house clearances to dispose of domestic WEEE (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment – computers, white goods, TV’s, monitors, small electrical items etc.) obtained during house clearances. Tickets are available in small load size. One ticket will allow disposal of multiple small electrical items or one large electrical item, for example a Fridge, freezer, fridge freezer, cooker, dishwasher or washing machine or multiple small electrical items.
Only the wastes specified for each permit will be accepted.
Permits for Recycling Waste, Recycling and General Waste and Charity disposing of donated Household Goods can be bought in small, medium and large load sizes:
We have a maximum limit of one large load per customer per day.
Electrical Household Clearance Permits are only available in small load sizes.
One ticket will allow disposal of multiple small electrical items or one large electrical item, for example a fridge, freezer, fridge freezer, cooker, dishwasher or washing machine.
Selkirk CRC will accept small load sizes only.
When we refer to sack sizes we consider a sack to be a 30 litre hessian sack, or waste of an equivalent volume. An image of such a sack is shown at the end of this section. Our site attendants will use their judgement to determine load size.
- Small – Equivalent of 1-4 sacks – Small Car Load
- Medium – Equivalent of 5-9 sacks – Estate Car, Car derived Van & 4 x 4
- Large – Equivalent of 10-15 sacks – Large and small panel vans, Microvans and Mini Vans & Transit vans not exceeding 3.5 tons GVW.
Sack Size
Size is based on our hessian sack designed to hold 30 litres..
With the exception of the Electrical Household Clearance Permit where some of the accepted electrical items are hazardous, no hazardous waste is accepted under these permits. Examples of hazardous waste include asbestos, clinical waste and chemicals.
We do not accept any liquid waste under the permit.
Please contact the Trade Waste team (contact details below) regarding the disposal of any material you are unsure of prior to arriving at the Community Recycling Centre.
We reserve the right to amend the list of materials that the permit allows you to recycle, upon giving not less than 14 days’ notice. Businesses will be emailed with any changes.
No refunds to the charge will be made by ourselves if the list of materials is changed.
4. Waste Upholstered Domestic Seating (WUDS)
From 15 July 2024 traders/businesses will be required to transport WUDS to Easter Langlee Waste Transfer Station.
WUDS will not be accepted at any of our other waste facilities.
On arrival at Easter Langlee Waste Transfer Station, you will be required to report to the weighbridge, following which you will be directed to tip at the WUDS bay.
WUDS must be transported separately to the Waste Transfer Station in line with SEPA guidance and must not be mixed with other waste. Waste that is mixed will be charged at the WUDS rate, so it is in the interest of customers to separate the WUDS.
5. Vehicles
Permits can be purchased for up to 4 vehicles that require admittance to the CRCs.
The permits are only available for vehicles up to and including a Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) of 3.5 tonnes. Any vehicles exceeding this will not be eligible to participate in this scheme.
Note: If you are accessing the site using a trailer or large van, you must book a time slot to use the site using our online booking form or by calling our Customer Services team on 0300 100 1800
The following vehicles will not be allowed admittance to any of the sites: vehicles over 3.5 tonnes (GVW); agricultural vehicles (e.g. tractors); motorhomes or caravans, tippers or tail-lifts; horseboxes, horse trailers.
6. Disposal sites
Permit holders will have access to recycle waste at all CRCs, which are licensed to accept trade waste. Selkirk CRC will accept a ‘small’ load size only.
All recycling material must be pre-sorted and only deposited into a container appropriate for that waste type.
It is the responsibility of the permit holder and their employees to clean up any breakages, spillages, etc. on site as they occur.
We reserve the right to refuse any material that is deemed unacceptable.
Any CRC may in unforeseen circumstances be closed on a temporary basis at any time. Where there is a planned closure of a CRC, We will aim to give not less than 14 days’ notice. Businesses will be emailed with any changes.
The permits do not entitle businesses to use our Recycling Points (non-manned containers collecting glass, textiles and occasionally other materials) to recycle material, as these sites are provided for the use of householders only.
Permit holders disposing of waste at the CRCs do so at their own risk. We will not accept responsibility or liability for any injury incurred as a result of the disposing of waste or the lifting or moving of waste materials.
7. Participating communty recylcing centres
- Galashiels - Langshaw Road, Easter Langlee, Galashiels TD1 2NT
- Hawick - Mansfield Road, Hawick TD9 8AW
- Peebles - Innerleithen Road, Eshiels, Peebles EH45 8NA
- Duns - Station Road Industrial Estate, Station Road, Duns TD11 3HS
- Eyemouth - Gunsgreenhill Industrial Estate, Gunsgreenhill, Eyemouth TD14 5SF
- Kelso - Pinnaclehill Industrial Estate, Kelso TD5 8DW
- Selkirk - Riverside, Selkirk, TD7 5DU
Participating CRCs may be subject to change. Businesses will be emailed with any changes.
8. Trade access hours
When sites are open, trade access hours are:
Monday to Friday - 10am to 1.15pm and 2pm to 4.45pm
Saturday– 9am to 1.15pm
Trade access will not be permitted on Sundays or Saturday afternoons.
During the summer, all sites will operate with one late night opening:
Access times: 10.00am – 1.15pm and 2pm – 6.45pm
- Duns – Tuesday
- Eshiels – Monday
- Eyemouth – Monday
- Galashiels – Monday
- Hawick – Monday
- Kelso – Wednesday
- Selkirk – Tuesday
Monday to Friday – 10am to 1.15pm and 2pm to 4.45pm
Saturday – 9am to 1.15pm
Trade access will not be permitted on Sundays or Saturday afternoons.
Sites will close for lunch between 1.15pm and 2pm.
Each site has one or two days it is closed during the week. The site closure day(s) for each site are as follows:
- Duns – Thursday
- Eshiels – Wednesday
- Eyemouth – Tuesday and Friday
- Galashiels – Tuesday
- Hawick – Wednesday
- Kelso – Monday
- Selkirk – Monday and Friday
9. Prices
Recycling Permit:
Small load - £8.40 per ticket (minimum purchase 5 tickets - £42.00)
Medium load - £12.60 per ticket (minimum purchase 5 tickets - £63.00)
Large load - £15.80 per ticket (minimum purchase 5 tickets - £79.00)
Recycling and General waste permit:
Small load – £15.60 per ticket (minimum purchase 5 tickets - £78.00)
Medium load - £27.40 per ticket (minimum purchase 5 tickets - £137.00)
Large load - £37.80 per ticket (minimum purchase 5 tickets - £189.00)
Charity disposing of donated Household Goods permit:
Small load - £2.80 per ticket (minimum purchase 5 tickets - £14.00)
Medium load - £5.20 per ticket (minimum purchase 5 tickets - £26.00)
Large load - £8.00 per ticket (minimum purchase 5 tickets - £40.00)
Electrical Household Clearance items permit:
Small load - £2.80 per ticket (minimum purchase 5 tickets - £14.00)
10. Payment terms and refunds
Full payment must be made in advance by debit or credit card. On receipt of payment your permit tickets will be sent to you within 5 working days.
No refunds will be made by ourselves if there are any changes or interruption to service.
No refunds will be made by ourselves for any Permits lost, damaged or stolen.
Please Note: at present we can only accept payment with debit or credit card.
11. How to apply
You can apply for a permit online or by visiting one of our Contact Centres to use their computer or by telephoning Customer Advice and Support on 0300 100 1800.
View the full list of Contact centre opening times.
When applying for a permit, you will need your Waste Carriers Licence or Professional Transport and Carrier of Waste Registration details, your businesses’ Standard Industry Classification code(s) and a credit/debit card.
12. Duty of care - waste transfer note
As a business, you have a legal responsibility and duty of care to ensure that you produce, store, transport and dispose of your business waste without harming the environment. You are responsible for your waste until you have transferred it to an authorised person. You must segregate, store and transport your waste appropriately and securely, making sure that you do not cause any pollution or harm to human health and check that your waste is transported and handled by people or businesses that are authorised to do so.
The Trade Permit and attached carbon ticket(s), once accepted, will constitute a Waste Transfer Note for the purposes of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 Section 34 (Duty of Care). You should retain the top part of your Permit booklet, along with the attached carbon copies of the tickets, for your records and keep them for at least two years. This is required to fulfill your duty of care.
13. Special waste consignment note (SWCN)
A Special Waste Consignment Note (SWCN) is needed if you are transporting Hazardous waste.
The hazardous waste items which are accepted at our Community Recycling Centres under the Electrical Household Clearance Permit are as follows (no other hazardous wastes are accepted):
- Fluorescent Tubes and low energy- excluding LED
- Cathode ray tube (CRT), flatscreen (plasma or LCD) TVs
- Laptop computers, tablets, and mobile phones with screens
- Fridges and freezers
- White goods (eg washing machines, dishwashers and tumble driers) with hazardous components
- Mixed batteries – Unsorted (excludes vehicle batteries)
SWCNs are priced at £15 each and can be purchased from any the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) offices or via SEPA’s website.
Address in the Scottish Borders: Burnbrae, Mossilee Road, Galashiels, TD1 1NF. T: 01896 754797
14. Compliance
Failure to comply with any requirements in these terms and conditions or inappropriate behaviour (which we will determine) by permit holders or their staff may result in your permit being cancelled. Permits cancelled due to non-compliance or inappropriate behaviour will not be eligible for full or partial refunds.
Trade Waste, Neighbourhood Services, Headquarters, Newtown St Boswells TS6 0SA
- Tel: 0300 100 1800
- Email:
- Apply for a trade permit on our website.