Flu and Covid-19 booster vaccination programme

Other SBC staff

Any member of staff who is not getting a free flu vaccination from the NHS is eligible for one through the SBC programme. 

Anyone in the following groups should wait to be offered a vaccination by the NHS or their GP:

  • persons aged over 50
  • persons with an underlying health condition

Frontline staff working in Health and Social Care and Schools should read the information provided about the NHS programme for flu vaccinations and the Covid-19 booster.

How do I get the free SBC flu vaccination?

Complete the flu vaccination request form. Once available, a voucher will be provided for you to get a vaccination from a participating pharmacy.

Where can I get more information?

If you have any queries about the SBC vaccine programme, contact the Health and Safety Team by:

  • phone: 01835 826655
  • email: healthandsafety@scotborders.gov.uk
  • Skype: Health and Safety Operations Team