Private landlord registration
Landlord registration ensures that all private landlords and agents in Scotland are fit and proper to be letting residential property. The scheme also aims to:
- improve private renting in Scotland by enforcing minimum standards
- oblige those who do not provide this minimum service to improve, or leave the sector
- allow tenants, neighbours and ourselves to identify and contact landlords and agents of private rented property
- provide information on the scale and distribution of the private rented sector in Scotland
Who needs to register
Any private landlord or agent who manages property for a private landlord will need to be registered.
Registration is mandatory and it is a criminal offence if you rent out a property without having made a valid application for registration. You must also declare anyone who jointly owns any rental property with you and anyone who acts as an agent for you in relation to the letting. Joint owners (all those named on title deeds) must also register, although there is no fee incurred by them.
You can also register if you do not own any property to show that you are fit and proper to act as an agent or before you invest in property for let. It is an offence to offer or advertise a residential property to rent unless you are already registered or have made a valid application to register with your local authority.
Registration fees
The current fee for landlord registration is:
- Principal fee: £82 (£2 increase)
- Property fee: £19 per property (£1 increase)
- Late application fee: £164 (£4 increase)
For more information, including exemptions and discounts, visit the Scottish Landlord Register website.
Find out more
For more information, please contact the Housing Strategy team. We are responsible for the administration of the Scottish Borders Private Landlord Register.
We can also provide advice and information about other queries relating to the private rented sector.
If you have any queries regarding the requirements of Landlord Registration please contact our Private Sector Liaison and Enforcement Officer by email or call 01896 661392.