Short breaks give you and your carer, if you have one, a break away from the pressures and demands of the caring situation. This enables you to recharge and cope better with life at home.
There are various ways to take a short break including:
- in your home or your local community with people to support you
- using a care home
- using self catering accommodation
The Shared Care Scotland website provides a wide range of information and ideas about short breaks in Scotland and further afield.
How to get a service
You can arrange your own short break by using a direct payment
Advice and information is also available from Customer Advice and Support Services on 0300 100 1800 (option one).
How much will it cost?
The cost of a service varies depending on your eligibility to receive it. In some cases services may be free. In others, a charge may be applied in line with our eligibility criteria and charging policy
Support for carers
- contact the Borders Carers Centre for more information about support for carers. They provide a wide range of information and support to help carers maintain their caring role, including advice about short breaks
- the Carers Centre is commissioned by the Scottish Borders Health and Social Care Partnership