UK Community Renewal Fund


The UK Government provided £220m through the UK Community Renewal Fund to help areas across the UK move smoothly away from the EU Structural Fund programme. This fund will help to prepare the way during 2021-22 for the new UK Shared Prosperity Fund by offering the opportunity to pilot new approaches. 

The Scottish Borders was designated a priority place to receive UK Community Renewal Fund up to a maximum of £3m. 

The aim of the fund was to support communities to pilot new ideas and approaches to better support people and communities in need. It supported innovative responses to local challenges and local needs.

Investment Priorities

To nurture innovative thinking and flexibility, projects were required to align with one or more of the following investment priorities:

  • investment of skills
  • investment for local business
  • investment in communities and place
  • supporting people into employment

90% of funding was for revenue, with only up to 10% for capital.  Initially funding required to be fully utilised by end March 2022 but due to delays this was later extended by UK Government to end December 2022.

A competitive bidding process was undertaken during April/May 2021 following UK Government guidance and in November 2021 UK Government announced 8 Scottish Borders projects were successful in achieving funding.  These were:-

  1. Scottish Borders Regional EV Charging Feasibility Study 
  2. Borders Employment and Advice Mentoring
  3. Fit for Our Future:  Holm Hill Master Plan
  4. Attainment Through Archaeology & 12 Towers of Rule
  5. Bridging the Gap Through Knowledge Transfer
  6. Energy Efficiency Supply Chain Development
  7. Scottish Borders Sustainability Academy
  8. Mountain Biking in the South of Scotland

Attached are case studies supplied by each of the project deliverers detailing the aims and objectives of each of their projects and their achievements

All Scottish Borders pilot projects were successfully completed by end December 2022.

View successful projects

Assessment templates used by the UK Government and ourselves