Ideas for Natural Environment
Natural Environment themed projects
- Ideas for encouraging biodiversity
- Barnsley Biodiversity Trust
- Enhancing biodiveristy in burial grounds and kirkyards
Green Towns and Infrastructures
- Todmorden example of a local town’s approach to going green
- Local Green Infrastructures
Food Production
- Abundant Borders local food production ideas including food forest gardens
- YouCanCookScotland Grow to Eat project in Innerleithen
Conservation Projects
- Fallago Environment Fund - Built, natural and cultural heritage projects in Scottish Borders including off road cycle trails and conservation projects.
- Action Research
- Friends of the Earth Bee campaign
- Climate Challenge Fund
- Environment themed funding and grants
- Community Food and Health
Community Ideas
- Community compost site
- Wildflower meadows and gardens
- Gardening clubs
- Litter picks
- Community orchards
- Fruit trees and hedges
- Communities and individuals can do a little to change a lot