Nomination packs available for prospective local election candidates

Published: 4th March 2022

Person posting ballot into box

Nomination packs are now available for anyone planning to stand in the upcoming local government election on Thursday 5 May.

The packs can be downloaded from our website or alternatively can be posted out by contacting our Elections team.

Completed nomination packs cannot be submitted until after Tuesday 15 March, with an appointment required in advance. The nomination deadline is 4pm on Wednesday 30 March.

Information session for prospective candidates

Prospective candidates are also invited to attend the last of three identical online information sessions, which will be held on Wednesday 9 March from 12noon to 1.30pm.

The session will cover a range of topics including the general role played by Councillors, facts and figures about the area, the Council Plan, governance structures and the budget.

Information around the nomination and election process will also be included, as well an outline of the induction and development programme for elected members. There will be the opportunity to ask questions throughout the session.

To register to attend please contact our Elections team.