Wheatlands House in Galashiels, our registered care home for children and young people, has recently received a much coveted Excellent (Grade 6) following a recent inspection.
The unannounced inspection, which took place over three days, involved time with a number of young people using the service as well as with staff and management. The inspector observed practice, the environment and daily life, and also spoke with a parent and visiting professionals who work with the home.
Wheatlands can care for a maximum of seven young people between the ages of 12 and 22 years, including two over 16 years in a nearby satellite flat. It provides residential care for young people who are assessed as requiring medium to long-term care.
The report highlights that the service demonstrates “major strengths in supporting positive outcomes for young people” and that there are “several areas of practice that are considered to be sector leading”. As a result, the service has been evaluated as excellent, a Grade 6 - the highest grading.
Key points within the report stated that the young people living at Wheatlands were well supported by a stable and committed staff team and that they enjoyed positive relationships with staff members and other young people. That they were listened to, and were supported to meet their aspirations and potential in all areas of life.
It was highlighted that this “high quality of support” continued even after young people moved on from Wheatlands, and the staff team offered continued emotional and practical support.
Councillor Carol Hamilton, Executive Member for Developing our Children and Young People
“We are extremely proud that Wheatlands has received the highest possible grading following the recent unannounced inspection from the Care Inspectorate. This is fantastic recognition for the work of the team.
“This service provides the highest quality care for young people in a safe, caring and supportive environment, with the aim of helping to ensure that these young people can reach their full potential."