Galashiels Academy recognised as a SCQF Gold Ambassador School

Published: 1st July 2022

Galashiels Academy is one of only three schools in Scotland to be recognised as Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) Gold Ambassadors for their inspiring work on the curriculum

Managed by the SCQF Partnership, the overall aim of the framework is to support the development of a wider range of courses and pathways in Scottish schools.

The Academy was acknowledged by the Partnership for the way in which the SCQF has been embedded into school practice. They were also impressed with the work that has been done to broaden their offer to pupils, including developing more exciting routes and partnerships particularly their Foundation Apprenticeships with Borders College and providing a significant range of senior phase pathways by extending classes within the curriculum which is moulded every year based on pupil need.

Councillor Leagh Douglas, Executive Member for Education and Lifelong Learning

“Congratulations to everyone at Galashiels Academy on this fantastic achievement. A first for the Scottish Borders and indeed only the third school in the whole of Scotland to achieve this prestige! 

“Gold SCQF School Ambassador status demonstrates the hard work and commitment by the school to assist our school leavers in finding a route to a positive destination. 

“It demonstrates this school has successfully established an extensive network of partnerships with local businesses, colleges and universities to ensure our young people are fully equipped with the skills and qualifications required to move onto the pathway that best suits their talents and ambition.”

Lewis Campbell, S4 SCQF Ambassador

“The award our school has been given really helps us improve opportunities for pupils. As well as offering a wider range of subjects, the SCQF awards offer more 'non-traditional' subjects compared to your traditional N5s or Highers.”