The outline business case initial assessment for the development of a new care village facility in Hawick was approved by elected members at the Council meeting on 29 September.
They also gave approval for the shortlisting of potential options for the care village in Hawick prior to the development of the final outline business.
The proposals were previously presented to the Scottish Borders Health and Social Care Integration Joint Board at their meeting on 21 September.
Plans to develop the new care facility were agreed as part of the Council budget approved on 19 March 2022. A separate project will see a similar solution provided in Tweedbank, with more than £22.5m of capital allocated to cover the cost of the two Scottish Borders Health and Social Care Partnership developments.
An innovative new model of residential care
The intention is to provide an innovative new model of residential care, designed specifically to better support the changing needs of older people alongside providing high-quality care and support through proactive early intervention and preventative action aimed at those with complex needs, frailty and dementia.
The concept of the care village model supports unique needs, lifestyles and personal preferences for living, care and well-being for people living mainly with dementia and frailty. The focus is on possibility rather than disability and will be supported by 24-hour care, delivered by trained professionals.
Consultation and engagement
Development of the outline business case involved significant consultation and engagement work with a range of stakeholders in the Hawick community. This was undertaken with colleagues from the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi). A copy of the NDTi report on the outcome of the consultation is available on the care village programme pages of our website.
In addition, a market sounding exercise was held to notify the market of the proposals and to scope whether a strategic partnership with another provider may be of interest.
Next steps
Work will now be undertaken to develop the final outline business case which will be submitted to both the Integration Joint Board and Council for consideration in early 2023.
Councillor David Parker, Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing
“This clear confirmation that progress is being made in our plans to develop a new care village facility for Hawick is most welcome.
“A recent inspection report on the town’s residential care home at Deanfield commended the hard work and commitment of staff, but we are very conscious that the setting is in urgent need of being upgraded and I hope that residents, family carers and staff are also among those encouraged by the progress.
“There is obviously keen interest in the plans within the wider Hawick community as well, with good engagement in the consultation sessions undertaken by officers and our NDTi colleagues. All feedback received is a vital part of the process, as are the expressions of interest received through the market sounding exercise from potential partner providers.
“I look forward to receiving an update when the full business case comes back to us next year and being able to progress with the next stage of this innovative and much anticipated development.”
More information
The report and outline business case are available as follows:
More information about both the Hawick and Tweedbank developments is available on the care village programme pages of our website.