Borders residents are being reminded that they have the chance to help shape the next Council budget, due to be set in February 2023, by completing the ongoing budget survey.
The survey also provides Borderers with the opportunity to provide feedback on a number of other areas, including public transport, health and social care and the development of local plans within communities.
Have your say before 31 January
The survey can be completed online, however printed copies are also available from our Contact Centres and Library Contact Centres during normal opening hours.
The survey is open until midnight on Tuesday 31 January 2023.
Public suggestions
Suggestions provided already by residents as part of the survey include:
- Introduction of a paid-for garden waste collection service
- Closure of small schools
- Provision of more support to communities and the voluntary sector
- Reduction of staff numbers
- An end to new electric vehicle charging points
- Closure of some libraries
- Investment in public transport
- An increase in parking charges
- Delaying capital projects for 12 months to invest funds into the road network
Council Leader, Councillor Euan Jardine
“More than 250 responses have been received to date, but we really want to exceed the number received last year – 765 – and ensure that we have as representative a response as possible.
“So far, responses from residents in the Teviot and Liddesdale and Berwickshire localities are limited, as too are those from Borderers under the age of 50. Our budget impacts on every Borderer, young and old, and from Eyemouth to Newcastleton, so it is crucial that everyone has their say.
“I welcome the feedback received to date, which includes a wide range of suggestions from our residents on ways they believe we could save money, or better invest our funds to improve their lives and the local area. Without doubt some are challenging and would be highly controversial, whilst others are definitely worth further exploration.
“Every response will be shared with all Councillors as we look to best represent our constituents and deliver a budget plan for 2023/24 that meets local needs and aspirations as much as possible, whilst also being financially sustainable and meets ongoing challenges such as the cost of living crisis and soaring inflation.”