Drop-in sessions are being held to give the Teviot and Liddesdale community an opportunity to provide input into the review of day support provision for older people currently being undertaken.
For those unable to attend the drop-ins, an informal presentation and discussion is being held online on Wednesday 1 February.
The sessions are being co-ordinated by National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi).
The aim is gain feedback from as many interested individuals, organisations and community groups as possible.
Sessions to be held as follows - no booking required
A lunch time open meeting was held on on Monday 23 January, 12-2pm, at the Hawick Town Hall.
The following drop in sessions are also being provided:
- Wednesday 25 January, 11am-2pm, Heart Of Hawick Café/Bar
- Thursday 26 January, 10am-12noon, Auld Cross Keys, Denholm
- Tuesday 31 January, 11am-2pm, Buccleuch Centre, Newcastleton
- Tuesday 7 February, 1.30-3-30pm, William Laidlaw Memorial Hall, Bonchester Bridge.
The online presentation and discussion being held on Wednesday 1 February, 7-8.30pm will be available through Microsoft Teams. Attendees will be able to join on their computer, mobile app or other device using the link below. If anyone would like more information about the session or has queries about how to join, please email: elaine.torrance@ndti.org.uk
Councillor Tom Weatherston, Executive Member for Social Work and Community Enhancement
“As part of this consultation, we are particularly to hear the voices of people with lived experience and their carers to get their views of what they feel is needed and would be of most benefit to them and the wider Hawick community.
“I would therefore encourage anyone with an interest in support for older people in Teviot and Liddesdale to join one of the sessions. It is important that we get as much feedback as possible so we can make a well informed decision as to the next steps for this provision.”
More information
- The consultation follows the update that was given at Council in November 2022 (Item 7). A similar update was provided to the Integration Joint Board at their meeting in November 2022 (Item 3).
- NDTi will provide the Council with a report on the outcome of the consultation exercise by the end of February. Along with the Integrated Impact Assessment, this will be used to help inform the scope and next steps in relation to the commissioning of adult day services in the locality.
To find out more about services currently provided for older people in Teviot and Liddesdale, advice and information is available from the Hawick and Newcastleton What Matters Hubs.