A follow up inspection at Saltgreens in Eyemouth has resulted in the overall grades for the home being re-evaluated to 4–Good.
The regrading is the result of continuous improvement that has been undertaken by the Adult Social Care team.
In addition, all of the four requirements and two of the three areas for improvement that remained outstanding following a previous inspection have been met, with a robust plan in place that will ensure that the remaining area for improvement will be met within timescales and to a good standard.
A full unannounced inspection took place at the home on 21 February 2023. It was carried out by three inspectors from the Care Inspectorate required to follow up on four requirements and three areas for improvement initially identified at the previous inspection undertaken in August 2022. The improvement areas were reviewed at a follow up inspection in November 2022.
During the latest visit, all key themes were re-evaluated with the overall grades subsequently revised to reflect both the improvements that had been made and the positive impact these were having on the experiences and outcomes for service users.
Key highlights from the report
Among the range of highlights included in the report was the way in which a positive engagement culture had developed within the home, with service users confident there was a consistent team of staff on duty to meet their overall needs and ensure their wellbeing was being effectively and consistently monitored.
Inspectors found good evidence that practices to improve the health and wellbeing of service users generally was being appropriately monitored and people were getting the most out of life. Personal plans had been reviewed and updated to a good standard to reflect the individual outcomes, routines, preferences and support needs of service users.
Staffing had improved with successful recruitment resulting in a full complement of team members. Improvements with training and one-to-one supervision were seen to be having a positive impact on people's experiences and outcomes.
Staff themselves were found to be motivated and more confident, proud of the improvements made and much happier in their role. A culture of continuous learning, transparency and inclusion had developed and relationships with health agencies had improved.
Improvements made to the environment within both the home and garden areas were benefiting the ambience and enhancing the emotional wellbeing of residents.
Inspectors were also given sight of the ongoing improvement plans and acknowledged that these would contribute to further positive change.
Councillor David Parker, Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing
“This latest report is testament to the significant amount of work undertaken by the team at Saltgreens over these past months. To have all their commitment and dedication recognised by the Care Inspectorate in such a positive way is a tremendous achievement.
“Residents, family carers and the staff themselves are all experiencing the benefits of the high standards of care, support and good practice being delivered at the home. Saltgreens is a care home that the Eyemouth community can feel justifiably proud of and I have every confidence that this will continue to be the case, both now and into the future.”
More information
- Images are available on our Flickr page.
- All reports relating to Saltgreens can be found on the Care Inspectorate website.