The community alarm activation and emergency out of hours phone call service provided by East Lothian Council on our behalf has been awarded a gold standard for delivery of their service.
Following a recent rigorous inspection, including interviewing senior managers and call handlers and assessing the training and practice of the team, East Lothian received the evaluation from CECOPS CIC, the independent, not-for-profit certification and standards body which aims to raise the standard of all telecare related services across the UK.
Inspectors were particularly impressed with the high standard of customer care provided in relation to overall experience and outcomes, as well as the strong working relationship managers overseeing the service had with partners.
Councillor David Parker, Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing
“East Lothian have been providing an excellent service on our behalf since April 2018 and we are delighted to see this being recognised through an independent evaluation process.
“This is a vitally important service that provides some of our most vulnerable service users and family carers with the peace of mind and reassurance that enables them to remain independent in their own homes and communities for longer. This award means they can be even more assured of the high standard and quality of support they are being provided with.”
Find out more about our telecare service
Our Technology Enabled Care team provide advice and information on a range of products that can support people to live safely and independently at home. As well as standard personal alarms, they can also offer local alert/pager solutions, digital care and GPS tracking devices.
You can find out more on the personal alarms pages of our website. You can also contact the team at: tec@scotborders.gov.uk or by phoning 01835 826545.
More information
East Lothian’s Telecare service handles calls from users of assistive technology such as call bells, door monitors and smoke detectors which are linked to the service. It currently supports 9,000 clients between the three local authority areas of Midlothian, East Lothian and Scottish Borders.
CECOPS is the only standards body representing all assistive technology services including, for example, community equipment, telecare, telehealth and communication aids. CECOPS is also unique in that it covers commissioning, provision and clinical aspects of services.