Cost of living campaign urges parents to seek help before reaching crisis point

Published: 20th November 2023

CPC scotland campaign

Child Protection Scotland’s It’s Okay To Ask campaign encourages any parent or carer who is struggling to look after their children to ask for help before reaching crisis point.

The cost of living crisis has led to very tough times for many families in Scotland. Increases in food and energy prices have been challenging for everyone, but especially for families on low incomes who already have money worries.

Finding enough money for food, heating and lighting bills, and for things that children need on a day-to-day basis, can lead to real stress and anxiety for many parents and carers. Those difficulties might even affect how well parents are able to look after their children and themselves.

Advice and information is available

To find out more about the advice that's available nationally, visit the Child Protection Scotland website.

Information can also be found on the Cost of Living Crisis Support pages of our website.

Another source of advice is the NHS Borders Money Worries App which contains a directory of national and local support, covering a wide range of issues such as debt, energy saving, housing and health. The App can be downloaded for free from either the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.

Child Protection Scotland Chair, Tam Baillie

Lack of money can have really serious consequences and take a big toll on family life. Constant money worries can cause huge levels of stress and anxiety and even lead to some parents finding it hard to look after their children as well as they’d like to. It can be difficult and embarrassing to ask for help, but there is support out there, so it’s very important for your children, and for yourself, to ask for help if you need it.”

Councillor Carol Hamilton, Executive Member for Developing our Children and Young People

“The impact of the ongoing cost of living crisis on families should not be underestimated. It’s vital that parents and carers reach out for the advice, information and support that is available to them. As well as what’s being provided nationally, there’s a section of the Council’s website that has been specifically created for this purpose and I would encourage parents and carers to have a look.”

“Remember, child protection is everyone’s responsibility. If you, or anyone you know, is at risk of harm, please seek advice as a matter of priority. This could be by speaking to a social worker, health professional or the police. Your actions may be the vital step that helps us keep a child safe from harm.”

If you're concerned about a child, information can be found on our Child Protection pages or by phoning the Children and Families Social Work Duty Team on 01896 662787. If you need to speak to someone urgently out of office hours, please call 01896 752111. In the case of an emergency call 999.

More information

Child Protection Committees were established across Scotland in 1991. Their role is to provide individual and collective leadership and direction for the management of child protection services across Scotland. They continue to work in partnership with their respective chief officers’ groups and the Scottish Government to take forward child protection policy and practice across Scotland. The SBPPC is made up senior representatives from Scottish Borders Council, NHS Borders, Police Scotland and the Voluntary Sector.