Electors encouraged to have their say on polling places

Published: 20th November 2023

Polling station sign on brick wall

We have launched a review of the polling districts and polling places used for local and parliamentary elections.

The review, required by legislation to be completed by 31 January 2025, will run until 12 February 2024, with the aim of allowing any amendments to be made in advance of the next General Election.

Have your say

The aim of the review is to ensure that all electors in the Scottish Borders have reasonable facilities for voting and that these are accessible to those with disabilities, as far as is reasonable and practicable.

A short online public survey is available.

Comments can also be made in writing to the Democratic Services Team Leader, Scottish Borders Council, Council Headquarters, Newtown St Boswells, Melrose, TD6 0SA by Monday 12 February 2024.

Details of all representations received will be made available for inspection.

The last review took place in 2019, with only some minor amendments having been made since to take account of local circumstances.