Almost 600 responses to Tour O' The Borders survey

Published: 19th December 2023

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A survey of residents and businesses along the Scottish Borders parts of the 2023 route of the Tour O' The Borders has resulted in a favourable response.

The survey we undertook as part of a post-event evaluation exercise received 597 responses, the vast majority from local residents and businesses, including in Peebles, Innerleithen and Ettrick and Yarrow valley areas.

Support for event

More than three quarters of respondents said they were supportive of the event and feel it has a positive impact on the Scottish Borders.

We will now progress discussions with the event organisers, Hillside Outside, regarding future closed road cycling events in the area.

Councillor Scott Hamilton, Executive Member for Business and Community Development

“This survey was specifically targeted at those residents and business most likely to be impacted by the Tour O' The Borders closed road event in 2023 and I am pleased that so many took the time to complete it.

“We will continue to engage with the event organisers to support the continuation of the event on closed roads and encourage continued proactive engagement with those communities along the route as part of the event planning process.

“As with any event which results in road closures, it is important that the positive impacts, including on our local economy, are balanced against any disruption this causes to communities.”