Kelso and Coldstream community singing group celebrate with Christmas performance

Published: 21st December 2023

Village voices Dec 2023

The Kelso and Coldstream Village Voices community singing group has been getting into the festive spirit by giving a performance of well-known Christmas songs to Mayfield Garden Centre visitors.

Established in early September with support from our Local Area Co-ordination team, the idea for the group came from the Village Voices initiative that operates across North Northumberland. They now meet weekly with between 25-30 people attending on a regular basis.

The performance in Kelso on 20 December was a chance for them to showcase not only their singing skills but also the Village Voices ethos, which is based on the idea that singing for fun enhances mental wellbeing while coming together provides a connection to the community.

Linnea Tormajor and Adriana McCool from North Northumberland Village Voices

“The inspiration for these groups came from wanting to share our love of singing, taking music to people who might not otherwise sing. We started our first group in Long Framlington in March 2023 followed by one in Powburn. Our next group was in Kelso, with Coldstream being set up soon after.

“Singing for fun is great for our mental health and gives such a feeling of wellbeing as we sing the songs we cherish and love the best. We sing a wide range of songs, in a safe, non-judgemental environment - no experience is necessary and everyone is welcome. We love running these groups, getting so much pleasure seeing people grow in confidence and telling us how singing lifts their spirits.”

Councillor Tom Weatherston, Executive Member for Social Work and Community Enhancement

“This is another excellent example of partnership working by our Local Area Co-ordination team who have collaborated with Linnea and Adriana to bring this opportunity to our local community.

“The group’s recent performance was extremely well received by all those attending. It was also clear to see just how much enjoyment and benefit the members get from being part of Village Voices and I wish them continued success with future performances.”

More information

  • The Local Area Co-ordination mental health team supports adults who have acknowledged challenges that are affecting their quality of life, working with them to reduce loneliness and isolation, increase their independence and improve their confidence. A similar service is provided for older adults and people with a learning or physical disability. For more information, visit the LAC mental health pages of our website. The team can also be contacted directly at: or on 01896 664155.
  • The Village Voices Kelso group meets each Wednesday at the Quaker Meeting Room from 11.30am-12.30pm. The Coldstream group meet on Thursdays at the Community Centre from 11am-12noon. Cost for each session is £4 with all music and lyrics provided. To find out more, contact the Local Area Co-ordination team.
  • Images from the performance are available on our Flickr page.