The Education Scotland report on Lilliesleaf Primary School and Nursery Class published on 27 February has recognised a number of key strengths in the school’s work
During their visit in January this year, inspectors talked to parents/carers and young people and worked closely with the head teacher and his staff.
Inspection findings
Inspectors found that staff have created a calm and nurturing environment across the school and nursery which is supporting children to be happy and enthusiastic learners.
Across the school and nursery, children participate in regular outdoor learning which helps them to explore, investigate and learn an important range of life skills.
They also found the children to have a wide range of learning experiences in the nursery which is helping them to make very good progress in their learning.
The following two areas for improvement were identified and discussed with the head teacher and a representative from ourselves:
- In the school, continue to develop approaches to learning, teaching, and assessment to ensure all children are challenged in their learning and make the best possible progress.
- Continue to raise attainment in literacy and English and numeracy and mathematics for all children in the school. Staff should continue to have a strong focus on increasing all children’s progress in writing.
Robbie Oliver-Devlin, Headteacher Lilliesleaf Primary School
“We are delighted that Education Scotland recognised several strengths throughout our school and nursery classes. I am extremely proud to lead the team here and to work closely with the community. I appreciate the hard work and dedication that they show every day in order to give our learners every chance of success and am pleased this has been recognised throughout the inspection. I look forward to continuing our journey and implementing the feedback we have received to further improve.”
Lynsay Forster, Lilliesleaf Parent Council Chair
"I am very happy that our school has received such positive feedback from the recent HMIE inspection. It's a great boost for the staff, children, parents and caregivers to be acknowledged for all their input into making the school such a success."
Inspectors are confident that the school has the capacity to continue to improve and will make no more visits in connection with this inspection
The report is available from the Education Scotland website.