Continuing on the successes of the two previous years, Scottish Borders Councillors will be returning with Community Conversations in 2024
The conversations seek input from local communities on what resources are funded in their areas.
The first event will take place on 13 August, with further events arranged through the summer and autumn to 3 October. The purpose of the events is to give members of the public across the Scottish Borders an opportunity to meet and talk to their local Councillors and senior officers to discuss what matters to them in their local communities.
David Robertson, Chief Executive
“Given the challenging finance context which we currently face, the conversations are a key opportunity to engage openly and meaningfully with Borderers and to gather their input on how the Council should focus its limited resources.”
The Community Conversations will take place over 10 dedicated, in-person events, five of which will be hosted by the Area Partnerships.
What to expect
The first event will take place in the Hawick Lesser Town Hall on Tuesday 13 August from 6.30pm.
Each of the events will be hosted by Council Leader, Councillor Euan Jardine, and chaired by a member of the Management Team. Our Officers will also be in attendance.
The night will commence with a short presentation followed by facilitated roundtable discussions. Thereafter freeform or one-to-one conversations will take place, allowing for more informal conversations.
Our intention is that the events will provide participants with a better understanding of our work; our focus on limited resources, whilst allowing members of the community to attend in a flexible way and engage directly with Members and staff.
Councillor Scott Hamiton, Executive Member for Community and Business Development
“I would encourage anyone who wants to help shape the future of their community or would like to find out more about the Council, to come along to an event in their area.”
To ensure as wide a range of opinions as possible can be gathered, an online event will be organised, as well as events in schools for the younger aged Borders. Details of the online and school events will be communicated at a later date on SBC’s website and via social media.
Find dates and locations of all the Community Conversations.