Six teachers from the Scottish Borders have been successful in achieving their Into Headship Qualification
Into Headship is Scotland's national qualification run by the University of Edinburgh and the Scottish College for Educational Leadership (SCEL).
The achievements of Emma Armstrong (Stirches Primary), Nicola McLeod (St. Margaret’s Primary), Robbie Oliver-Devlin (Lilliesleaf Primary), Kirsty Hadden (Burgh Primary), Tracey Strathearn (Kingsland Primary) and Scott Watson (Equality & Inclusion Lead Officer) were celebrated at a joint ceremony hosted by the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) and Education Scotland.
Aimed at those who aspire to be in a headteacher post in the next two to three years, the qualification ensures aspiring headteachers are supported to develop and build the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding required of senior leaders in leading a dynamic school community.
Robbie Oliver-Devlin, Headteacher Lilliesleaf Primary School
“Into Headship was instrumental in shaping my leadership journey. It equipped me with the tools and confidence to deliver in my role and create a thriving school community."
Scott Watson, Equality and Inclusion Lead Officer
“The qualification has allowed me to feel more confident and informed as a strategic leader and able to initiate strategic change. Throughout my learning, I have expanded my knowledge of educational research and policies, and I appreciated the high level of support available through tutors and peers.”
Councillor Leagh Douglas, Executive Member for Education and Lifelong Learning
“I want to congratulate Emma, Nicola, Robbie, Kirsty, Tracey and Scott on their achievements and completion of the programme.
The hard work and dedication they have put in throughout the programme is commendable and I wish them well in their future roles.”
On successful completion of the programme participants were awarded the GTCS Standard for Headship, which is a mandatory requirement for all new headteachers in Scotland.
Images of the graduates can be found on our Flickr page.