Education Scotland has recognised continued improvements at Broughton Primary School and Nursery class, which were found to be working well in supporting children’s learning and achievements.
After reviewing all of the evidence and in discussion with the council, Education Scotland are now confident that the school has the capacity to continue to improve and will make no further visits in connection with the inspection report of October 2023.
Education Scotland published an initial report on the primary school which set out a number of areas for improvement. These were agreed with the school and ourselves.
A further visit was made in January 2025, where inspectors worked closely with the headteacher and staff and found positive progress had been made since their initial inspection.
Key strengths
The headteacher, staff and children have worked together well to strengthen the school community’s understanding of the school’s values of challenge, achieve and nurture. The headteacher and staff have developed a school and Early Learning Centre (ELC) improvement plan which sets out clearly appropriate priorities across the year. They have made positive progress in addressing these areas, which includes improving approaches to leading change, learning and teaching, raising attainment in writing, and developing the curriculum.
The headteacher has also developed an effective calendar of activities that helps evaluate the quality of the school’s work.
Staff have worked together well to create a new planning, learning, teaching and assessment guidance, and the school has made positive progress in their approach to planning for learning in literacy and numeracy. This new approach now makes it clearer what children are expected to learn. As a result, children experience activities that are appropriate to their abilities.
Staff have developed a clear approach to assessing children’s learning and have created a whole school assessment calendar.
The report
View the full Education Scotland inspection report on Broughton Primary School and Nursery Class. This highlights the progress made in a number of areas.
Carn Peaston, Headteacher at Broughton Primary School
“I am delighted with the outcome of the recent inspection follow-up visit from HMIe. It is a testament to the hard work and dedication of staff, pupils, and the entire school community.
"We will continue to strive for excellence, ensuring high quality learning and teaching at Broughton Primary continues to support and challenge all pupils.
"We are committed to building on this success and will continue to implement strategies to further improve pupil outcomes and overall school improvement”.
Susan Brown, Parent Council Chair
“I am delighted the inspectors reported positive progression in all four areas for improvement which were identified in the school’s initial inspection. We are happy the inspectors saw what parents see every day in the school.
Parent Council will continue to work with the Head Teacher and staff to support ongoing school improvement, building on the progress made over this last year”.