Health Protection Scotland guidance relating to the use of eye protection in social care settings was recently updated. The new guidance applies across all social care services.
The full guidance is available in the following HPS published documents:
- COVID-19: Information and Guidance for Care Home Settings
- COVID-19: Information and Guidance for Social, Community and Residential Care Settings
What are the main changes?
The change was the result of a detailed review of current research which found that the risk of ocular transmission of COVID is low.
The notable changes are:
- Eye protections/visors are now only required to be worn where client is COVID positive, suspected or other risk factors are prevalent that increase risk of droplet spread (coughing, spitting etc.)
- Eye protection is still required for defined Aerosol Generating Procedures.
- Continued cleaning and reuse of visors is not acceptable.
- All other PPE precautions remain unchanged.
This change is being made with the full agreement and support of colleagues at NHS Borders Infection Control Team.
More information
Staff who have any queries or who would like more information should speak to their line manager in the first instance.
We continue to be grateful for all your hard work and support in maintaining the strict infection control procedures that COVID-19 requires and for your flexibility in adapting to new procedures required as part of our ongoing response and recovery efforts.
Jen Holland
Chief Operating Officer - Adult Social Work and Social Care