Care Village Programme

Care village programme

Plans to develop two new care village facilities for the Borders were agreed as part of the Council budget approved on 19 March 2022. One will be located in Tweedbank, covering the Central Borders, and the other in Hawick.

Supporting the changing needs of older people

  • The intention is to provide an innovative new model of residential care, designed specifically to better support the changing needs of older people alongside providing high-quality care and support through proactive early intervention and preventative action aimed at those with complex needs, frailty and dementia.
  • The concept of the care village model supports unique needs, lifestyles and personal preferences for living, care and well-being for people living mainly with dementia and frailty. The focus is on possibility rather than disability and will be supported by 24-hour care, delivered by trained professionals.

Project milestones 


A report approving the next steps in the Tweedbank development was agreed at the Council (28 September) meeting. The formal planning, detailed design and procurement processes will now be undertaken. An agreed contract cost will also be obtained as part of the procurement phase and a further report brought back to Council. See our news story for more information.

Previous engagement activity

  • As part of the pre-planning stage for the Tweedbank care village, two drop-in sessions were held to give the local community and other interested stakeholders the chance to provide feedback prior to the plans being formally submitted to Council in October. These were held on 4 and 25 September. Information that was available included the outline site and building plans as well as 3D images of the development. 
  • Working with the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi), we held two community engagement events in October 2022 to give people the chance to find out more and give us their views on the proposals for Tweedbank. The NDTi report from these sessions is available on our website.


  • Approval has been given to progress with the next steps that have been recommended for the Hawick care village. Agreement was given at Council (26 January) for a full business case to be progressed - see our news story for more information. The plans were also approved by the Integration Joint Board (1 February)
  • The outline business case and initial assessment for Hawick were previously approved by the Integration Joint Board (21 September) and Council (29 September). See our news story for more information.
  • The report on the preliminary consulation and engagement undertaken with the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) in Hawick are available on our website.
  • The full business case for the Hawick development will come forward for consideration by the Council in due course. The delivery of care services for the town will also be discussed fully by the Health and Social Care Partnership. 

More information

Further information will be provided as this becomes available. If you have any queries, please email: