Research and data in the Scottish Borders: Place


Why is it important to have statistics about our environment?

Local Authorities set their outcomes and objectives within the context of the Scottish Government National Performance framework, which states that we value, enjoy,  protect and enhance our environment

Scottish Borders plays its part in the National Performance Framework by working towards making our region the best place in Scotland for every Scottish Borders citizen to live, regardless of their protected characteristics. For this, we need robust information to measure how we are performing as a society and within our communities.

Scottish Borders policy framework 

Our 2024-25 Plan is key to our policy framework on how we plan to deliver services in the next few years.  It consists of six outcome priorities, which are informed by an evidence base, including the strategic assessment.  Data about our environment is referenced particularly in priority 1: "Clean, green future". You can see how we are doing in delivering this outcome in our quarterly and annual performance reports.

Our desired outcomes towards a "Clean, green future" in the Council Plan can be summarised as:

  • delivering Net Zero by 2045
  • preparing for the effects of extreme weather events driven by climate change
  • increasing public understanding about the need for behaviour change and increased resilience
  • a robust approach to the way we use energy in the Scottish Borders to reduce fossil fuels and greenhouse gases
  • protecting the environment to the benefit of both people and nature

Policies and strategies that sit within the theme of "clean, green future" include:

Data on environment, waste management and sustainability are built in to all our Corporate Priorities as a cross-cutting theme, indicating that it is central to everything we do.

Our Environment and Waste Management objectives are managed by the Executive Directorate, particularly within the regulatory and neighbourhood service areas. These services include:

  • planning and building standards
  • built and natural heritage
  • environmental health
  • trading standards
  • legal and licencing
  • roads maintenance
  • street cleansing
  • burials
  • waste collection and disposal

Topic areas

There is a large amount of evidence from official statistics to inform our Environment and Waste Management development, across a wide range of topic areas.

Air quality

Waste management

Built environment

  • information on listed buildings, Gardens and Designed Landscapes (GDLs) Conservation Areas, Scheduled Monuments and World Heritage Sites from a planning perspective is available on our Shared Historic Environment pages

Derelict and vacant land

Access to the outdoors

Energy Consumption

Official statistics are available on these topics for the Scottish Borders area. If you study or take part in a Scottish Borders community activity and would like help using these statistics, contact the Research and Information team.

Research and Data in the Scottish Borders

Research and information team

Contact the Corporate Performance and Information Research and Information Team for demographics research-related enquiries

Address: Council Headquarters
Newtown St. Boswells

Telephone: 01835 824000