Understanding engagement

Principles of engagement


  • The people and groups who are affected by the focus of the engagement are involved at the earliest opportunity.
  • Measures are taken to involve groups with protected characteristics and people who are excluded from participating due to disadvantage relating to social or economic factors.
  • Participants in the community engagement process commit to continued two-way communication with the people they work with or represent.
  • A wide range of opinions, including minority and opposing views, are valued in the engagement process.


  • An assessment of support needs is carried out, involving all participants.
  • Action is taken to remove or reduce any practical barriers which make it difficult for people to take part in engagement activities.
  • Access to impartial and independent development support is provided for groups involved in the community engagement process.


  • Partners are involved at the start of the process in identifying and defining the focus that the engagement will explore.
  • A clear and agreed engagement plan is in place.
  • All available information which can affect the engagement process has been shared and used to develop the community engagement plan.
  • Partners agree what the outcomes of the engagement process should be, what indicators will be used to measure success, and what evidence will be gathered.
  • The timescales for the engagement process are realistic.
  • There are sufficient resources to support an effective engagement process.

Working Together

  • The roles and responsibilities of everyone involved are clear and understood.
  • Decision-making processes and procedures are agreed and followed.
  • The methods of communication used during the engagement process meet the needs of all participants. Information that is important to the engagement process is accessible and shared in time for all participants to properly read and understand it.
  • Communication between all participants is open, honest and clear. The community engagement process is based on trust and mutual respect.
  • Participants are supported to develop their skills and confidence during the engagement.


  • The methods used are appropriate for the purpose of the engagement.
  • The methods used are acceptable and accessible to participants. 
  • A variety of methods are used throughout the engagement to make sure that a wide range of voices is heard.
  • Full use is made of creative methods which encourage maximum participation and effective dialogue.
  • The methods used are evaluated and adapted, if necessary, in response to feedback from participants and partner.


  • Information on the community engagement process, and what has happened as a result, is clear and easy to access and understand.
  • Information is made available in appropriate formats.
  • Without breaking confidentiality, participants have access to all information that is relevant to the engagement.
  • Systems are in place to make sure the views of the wider community continuously help to shape the engagement process.
  • Feedback is a true representation of the range of views expressed during the engagement process.

Feedback includes information on:

  1. The engagement process
  2. The options which have been considered
  3. The decisions and actions that have been agreed, and the reasons why.


  • The outcomes the engagement process intended to achieve are met.
  • Decisions which are taken reflect the views of participants in the community engagement process.
  • Local outcomes, or services, are improved as result of the engagement process.
  • Participants have improved skills, confidence and ability to take part in community engagement in the future.
  • Partners are involved in monitoring and reviewing the quality of the engagement process and what has happened as a result.
  • Feedback is provided to the wider community on how the engagement process has influenced decisions and what has changed as a result.
  • Learning and evaluation helps to shape future community engagement processes.

How we engage needs to be clear and consistent. We will use Plain English in our communication and set out clearly what we are asking of you and what you can expect from us in return.