Flu and Covid-19 booster vaccination programme

All staff working for SBC are being asked to look after their health this winter by having a flu vaccination, available free of charge. By getting the vaccine, you will:

  • be less likely to catch flu
  • have a lower chance of giving flu to your family, friends and people you work with
  • help to keep the flu away from any vulnerable people you come into contact with

Remember that some vulnerable people with medical conditions are already ill, so getting the flu could make them worse or even be fatal for them.

Eligible staff are also being offered a free Covid-19 booster.

Frontline Health and Social Care and Schools staff

Frontline Health and Social Care and Schools staff are being offered the Covid-19 booster through NHS Borders. They will be offered the flu vaccination at the same time. More information about the eligibility criteria and booking process is available on our website.

Health and Social Care and Schools staff who are not eligible for a Covid-19 booster will be able to book their flu vaccination separately through the NHS programme in due course. This includes all nursery, primary and secondary school teachers and other pupil facing support staff. Details will be communicated when available.

Other SBC staff

All other staff are eligible for a free flu vaccine through the SBC programme