Salt bin locations Cheviot
- Ladyrig View, back from junction with A698 on left hand side
- D93 to Ladyrig, at junction for Pylafoot
- Sunlaws Place, near number three
- Sunlaws Court, at junction with A698 road
- Bowmont Court, Sunlaws at junction with Heiton Mill road
- Bowmont Court, Sunlaws on roundabout at bottom of hill
- Bowmont Court, Sunlaws opposite number 26
- Stichill Road, at end of footpath leading to primary school
Kalemouth Toll
- Kalemouth Toll, against Old Toll Cottage
- C80 Kelso Road, opposite access to village hall
- D86/4 Mellendean to Windywalls, on inside of first right hand uphill bend
- D86/4 Mellendean to Windywalls, on inside of right angled left hand bend
- D86/4 Mellendean to Windywalls,, on inside of right angled right hand bend at Mellandean Farm
- D44/5 Courthill, at row of cottages next to telegraph pole 472
- B6350 Kelso to Sprouston, at Redden Farm junction
- Main Road, at junction opposite Teviot Cottages
- Main Road, at bus stop, at Teviot Road junction
- D103/4 Roxburgh Moor, on verge opposite Roxburgh Newtown Farm Cottages
- Main Road, at junction with Ednam Road
- Dean Road, near its junction with School Lane
- Dean Road, at its junction with Deanfield
- Station Road, beside notice board at Old Schoolhouse
- Abbey View, on north-east side of loop
- Abbey View, at end of widening above entrance to number five
- Abbotseat/Inchmead Crescent, at corner of footpath behind houses in Abbotseat
- Broomlands Road, at junction with B6461 Ednam Road
- Bullet Loan, at wide section of cul de sac
- Farrier Court, at top of first cul de sac
- Farrier Court, at top of second cul de sac
- Hermitage Lane, opposite Hermitage Cottage
- Inch Road, outside Edenside Primary School
- James Stewart Court, within the turning head of cul de sac
- Maxmill Park, at end of cul de sac on left hand side
- Mayfield Gardens, on verge opposite properties
- Oakfield Court, at its junction with Berrymoss Court
- Orchard Park, at first junction on lower side of lamp post number16
- Pinnaclehill Industrial Estate, halfway along main distributor road, on right hand side
- Plenderleith Court, opposite entrance from Eschiehaugh
- Rodger Fish Gardens, at rear of parking area between numbers 10 and 13
- Springwood Rise, outside number 37
- Tweed Court, parking area outside number 21
- Woodside Gardens, beside brick wall near entrance to park
- D235/4 Kaimknowe, at entrance to turning/parking area