- Allotments
- Animal enquiry
- Apply for a boarding licence
- Apply for a Council Tax Disabled Band Reduction
- Apply for a Council Tax discount or exemption | Occupied property
- Apply for a Council Tax discount or exemption | Unoccupied property
- Apply for a dangerous wild animal licence
- Apply for a licence to sell animals as pets
- Apply for a Long Term Empty Council Tax reduction
- Apply for a performing animal licence
- Apply for a rehoming animal licence
- Apply for a riding establishment licence
- Apply for a Tied Accommodation discount
- Apply for a venison dealer licence
- Apply for an animal breeding licence
- Apply for an animal welfare establishment licence
- Apply for single occupancy discount
- Apply for Small Business Bonus Relief
- Book on to one of our Activity Camps
- Civic space enquiry
- Community Care Grant - Review
- Community safety enquiries
- Contact a Councillor
- Contact Archaeology, Ecology or Heritage Team
- Contact Development Management
- Discretionary Housing Payment
- District Heating Relief application
- Dog enquiry form
- Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)
- Electric vehicle charging
- Employability Service referral form
- Financial Inclusion Enquiry
- Fixed Penalty Notice - Dog Fouling
- Food Business Registration form
- Free school meals and clothing grant
- Future Stars athletics programme
- Homeless contact
- Homeless enquiries
- Improving the Cancer Journey Service (ICJ) Referral
- Licensing enquiry
- Litter, public bins and fly tipping
- Make a Communities and Partnership enquiry
- Make a Complaint
- Make a self-catering exceptional circumstances discretion request
- Make an enquiry about public toilets
- Make payment for Annual Premises Licence
- Parking enquiries
- Private Water Supply enquiry
- Renewable Energy Generation Relief Scheme application
- Repair, clean or maintain property or equipment