Youth Parliament

Scottish Youth Parliament Elections 2023

Message from Scotish Borders Election Coordinator

The Scottish Youth Parliament elections for 2023 have now completed and we have our three new MSYPs for the Scottish Borders:

Alexandra Waterston-Law will represent Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale

Anna Vause and Emily Tweddle will represent Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire


Next Election will be in 2025

The next election will be held in 2025 and will follow the same election process as stated below:

Expression of interest phase 

This is the time when candidates can register that they are interested in standing to be elected as one of our next MSYPs. Registering does not commit them to anything, as they can change their mind at any time. It just lets us know they are interested and that we can contact them to talk about it further.

Candidate training phase 

During this time there will be a range of training from both the Scottish Youth Parliament staff and the local support worker in the Scottish Borders. This may be done online or in person depending on ease of access for all candidates at that time. During this time we will also work on candidates Manifesto development and campaigning plans.

Confirmed candidates phase 

During this time we will work with all candidates to confirm that they still wish to stand for election. We will then confirm this with the Scottish Youth Parliament

Promote the vote phase 

This is the time when you campaign for people to vote for you. We will be promoting all candidates in our local area along with SYP who will promote the elections nationally. It is also the period when we will hold local hustings in each of the constituencies to enable young people to ask questions of their local candidates.

SYP elections fortnight

This is the period where any young person living in the Scottish Borders, aged 12-25, can vote for their prefered candidate in their local constituency.

Find out which constituencies each MSYP covers:

Voting usually takes place using the electronic voting system on the platform using your Young Scot card. More information on how you vote will be made available nearer to the date, but if you do not have a Young Scot card/National Entitlement card for any reason now is the time to get one. Now is also the time to register as a Young Scot member with your card and access all the other benefits that come with membership. If you are in a school but don't have a Young Scot card (lost it, damaged it, or never had one) then arrangements will be made for you to get a temporary number. Anyone out of school needing a temporary number please email 

SYP Election announcement 

This is the date when we hold the announcement event. This will be confirmed once the voting dates have been agreed.

More information

To find out more, contact your current MSYP, or to speak with the local support worker:

Scottish Borders Youth Voice

Contact Pam Rigby

Address: Community Learning and Development
Scottish Borders Council
Council Headquarters
Newtown St. Boswells

Telephone: 01835 824000