Bin presentation guidance
To help us make collections as efficient, and safe as possible for our collection crews we ask that bins/bags be presented for collection:
- at the designated collection point by 7am on the scheduled collection day. We won't return for bins or bags which are presented late, until the next scheduled collection day
- containing the right stuff in the right bin or bag. See what goes in each bin and our contamination process
- with bin handles facing the roadway to ensure the ease and safety of collections by our crews
- with any stones, chains, padlocks, bungees etc removed from the bin and lid
- with bin lids closed to ensure the safety of our collection crews and prevent wind-blown litter
- not overfilled or too heavy as we may not be able to collect it
Householders should:
- keep access to bins clear on collection days and don't place items around or in front of bins that block access
- ensure vehicles are parked considerately on collection days so they don't block access for the collection vehicle or staff
- remove your bin from the collection point and return it to your property as soon as possible after the collection
- identify your bin with your house name or number
- treat our staff with the respect you would similarly expect in return
- check collection days using the online collection day lookup
- check social media and our website at Christmas and New Year and on the rare occasions when extreme weather conditions occur, to ensure you're aware of any temporary service changes