Other financial information

Fees and charges

We charge a fee for a range of supplies and services and these are set out in the annually approved fees and charges document.

Find information on how to pay an invoice or bill.

Monitoring of the Financial Plan

The Financial Regulations provide for regular monitoring and revision of the Revenue and Capital Financial Plans throughout the financial year. Monthly reports are prepared and reported to management and budget holders, and four reports per year are taken to report financial monitoring to the Executive Committee.

Treasury Management

We review and update our Treasury Strategy annually in line with the setting of our Financial Strategy and Financial Plan.

The following are also available to view online and download:

  • Treasury Management Strategy
  • Budget Communications Strategy and Survey responses
  • Capital Investment Strategy
  • Long Term Financial Strategy

Progress is reported in a Mid Year Report to Audit and Risk Committee and to the full Council in November/December each year.

An Annual Report on Treasury Management is produced and taken to Committee at the same time as the audited annual accounts are reported in September of each year.

Download a glossary of financial terms