Guidance on conversions

Any change in the occupation or use of a building which falls into one of the following descriptions is considered a conversion to which the building regulations apply:

  • a building to create a dwelling or dwellings or a part thereof
  • a building ancillary to a dwelling to increase the area of human occupation
  • a building which alters the number of dwellings in a building
  • a domestic building to any other type of building
  • a residential building to any other type of building
  • a residential building which involve a significant alteration of the characteristics of the persons who occupy, or will occupy, the building, or which significantly increase the number of people occupying, or expected to occupy, the building
  • a building so that it becomes a residential building
  • an exempt building (in terms of schedule one) to a building which is not exempt
  • a building to allow access by the public where previously there was none
  • a building to accommodate parts in different occupation where previously it was not occupied