Free school meals and help with schoolwear

Free school meals - FAQs

How does my child receive free school meals?

Secondary school children get enough money for a hot meal and a drink added to their Young Scot Card just before lunch. 

What they don’t spend comes off after lunchtime, although you can add your own money to the card.

Primary school children order their meals via ParentPay and families entitled to Free School Meals are not asked for payment.

How does a Young Scot Card work for free school meals?

Click here for guidance on Young Scot Cards.

What happens if there’s a technical issue with the Young Scot Card?

You should report the issue to the school.

Can my child get free school meals if they attend college full-time?

There's no provision for someone attending college full-time, we would advise you to check with the college if there's any assistance available.

When does entitlement to free school meals end if my circumstances change?

Your entitlement will normally end the week after you notify us that you no longer qualify for free school meals.

Do you cater for children with special dietary requirements?

Yes, we can provide special dietary school meals to pupils who have medical, religious or cultural dietary requirements.

Find information about special dietary requirements.

Can entitlement to free school meals be backdated?

If you’re entitled to free school meals for the period you’d like it backdated for, we’ll consider your request if:

  • we’ve made an error
  • there’s a good reason to backdate

Will my child get a free school meal on Friday?

Yes but the meal time may be earlier on a Friday.




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Newtown St. Boswells

Telephone: 0300 100 1800