
Multiply adult learning programme

The Multiply adult learning programme offers a range of creative learning workshops aimed at helping you improve your numeracy skills by:

  • increasing your confidence with numbers and helping you in everyday life, at work, managing money or supporting others
  • improving your health and wellbeing through socialising, feeling included and learning a new skill or hobby.

The workshops are free and open to all adults across the Borders. They’ve been designed to suit any level - beginner to advanced - and you can sign up to an activity which allows you to learn at your own pace. 

Adult learning programme January-March 2024

The first programme offered a diverse array of opportunities for learners to enhance their confidence with numeracy through innovative and creative workshops. It engaged 115 participants in various workshops since starting in January. The feedback from both learners and workshop organisers has been exceptionally positive.

To keep up to date with the latest news from the programme, visit the SB Community, Learning and Development Facebook page.

You can also download a copy of the Multiply Adult Learning Programme Jan-Mar 2024

Adult learning programme August 2024-February 2025

The next Adult Learning Programme is due to run from 15 August 2024 to 28 February 2025. 

Courses and activities are being established and will be opened up in July 2024 to anyone resident in the Borders looking to increase their confidence in using maths in their daily life, at home or at work. Information about how these can be accessed will be publicised in July 2024.

More information

If you have any queries, please contact the Multiply Team at: 

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