What services are available?
Our Sensory Services Team provides support for people who are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing.
Information and advice
This is available on all issues to do with deafness, including:
- benefit entitlement
- services available from national organisations
- details of local developments or groups such as lipreading or sign language classes
You can be assessed for equipment which could help you to remain independent and safe. This can include:
- doorbells
- smoke alarms
- television listening aids
- telephone equipment
- personal listeners
Advocacy and communication
Advice and support can be offered where your deafness may be leading to difficulties in every day living or at work. Where appropriate, arrangements can be made to provide a BSL/English interpreter or access to communication support.
Scottish Borders BSL/English Interpreting Service
The Borders Interpreter Agency is supported by NHS Borders and our Social Work Department. If you need a BSL/English interpreter to access our Social Work services or medical services provided by NHS Borders then we will make the necessary arrangements for one to be present.
All the interpreters we use are either SASLI or ASLI registered. All information about appointments/meetings are strictly confidential. The interpreter's role is to enable you to access information, resources and services directly.
Please contact us as far in advance as possible and we will do our best to ensure an interpreter is made available:
- email - sbia@scotborders.gov.uk
- phone - 01896 822998
Sensory services team
SMS Text Messaging: 07786 856597