Learning disabilities

Day support for people with a learning disability

We currently provide a blended model of buildings-based and community-based day support for people with a learning disability. 

Individuals are supported to access local services and facilities, while day support service buildings have a range of activities on offer and equipment available to support people's sensory and communication needs. 

We also offer opportunities in the local community for social integration and inclusion to help meet an individual’s outcomes. This includes support to access local services and facilities with just some examples including swimming, riding for the disabled, outings to local walks and attractions and visits to garden centres, cafés and pubs.

Day support services

Day support is provided in each of the five localities across the Scottish Borders. Those provided by Adult Social Care are based in: 

  • Berwickshire: Lanark Lodge, Duns
  • Cheviot: Rutherford Square, Kelso
  • Teviot: Katharine Elliot Centre, Hawick
  • Tweeddale: Green Gardens, Peebles

Day support within the Eildon locality is provided by Cornerstone, an independent provider we have commissioned to deliver the service. 

How to get a service

  • To help us decide what support may be available to help you and what charges may be applied, we will need you to have an assessment. This consists of a face-to-face meeting to discuss your needs. 
  • We may, with your permission, seek advice from other professionals such as your doctor, carer or other relative. We may also refer you onto other agencies to help us in our assessment of your eligibility.

You may also be interested in the services provided by our Local Area Co-ordination team.

How much will it cost?

The cost of a service varies depending on your eligibility to receive it. In some cases services may be free. In others, a charge may be applied in line with our eligibility criteria and charging policy.

Already receive a service?

If you have a query about a service you already receive, please speak to your support worker or manager of the service. You can also contact Learning Disability Services.

Learning disability services

Monday to Friday: 8.30am-5pm

Address: Scottish Borders Learning Disability Service
Scottish Borders Council Headquarters
Newtown St Boswells

Telephone: 01835 340 610