
Biodiversity and planning

Supplementary planning guidance for biodiversity

The local biodiversity action plan (LBAP) process has led to the production of the supplementary planning guidance (SPG) for biodiversity which informs the biodiversity policies of the structure plan and local plan.

The process has also informed the SPG for wind energy and was integral to the development of the Scottish Borders Woodland Strategy.

Biodiversity Surveys for Development Proposals

Many developments will require surveys for protected species and/or habitats. We have produced a short Biodiversity Site Survey Guide to help applicants and developers identify which surveys and assessments will be required for their proposal.

If the required species and habitat survey reports are provided when an application is first submitted, it can speed up the application process considerably.

Most types of biodiversity surveys are limited to certain times of the year; The Biodiversity Site Survey guide includes an outline survey calendar to help applicants factor any potential survey constraints into their project timeline.

Please also refer to our Technical Advice Notes for bats and otters below

Technical Advice Notes

We are producing a series of Technical Advice Notes (TANS) to provide advice to developers on ecological survey requirements, including:

  • types of development requiring survey
  • timing of surveys 
  • information required to support Planning applications

Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) and Biodiversity priorities

Ecology officer

Address: Council Headquarters
Newtown St. Boswells

Telephone: 01835 826514