We asked for your feedback on our website redesign project.
We asked
In May 2015, we tested the proposed structure of our new website with you using a paper based exercise. We asked how easy or difficult it was for you to find web pages and complete tasks, for example, to make a freedom of information request or apply for empty property relief.
We amended the structure of our new website following your feedback and began a second round of consultation in February 2016. We tested the amended structure with you using a development version of our new website.
We also asked:
- Was there any information missing from the website?
- Was the information easy to understand?
- Was the text and layout clear?
- What do you think of the new design?
- Do you have any other comments?
We consulted with a variety of different groups across the Borders during this time, including:
- blind and partially sighted people
- contact centre users
- Eildon Housing staff
- hard of hearing and deaf people
- library users
- NHS Borders staff
- older adults
- our staff
- people from deprived areas
- people with learning disabilities
- physically disabled people
- rail and bus commuters
- young people
You said
We talked with 243 people during February 2016.
- 87.2% of people found the information they were looking for
- 55.9% found the information very easy to find
- 21.3% found the information easy to find
- 7.4% found the information quite easy to find
- 3.2% found the information difficult to find
- 0.4% found the information very difficult to find
- 59.6% could complete the task associated with the topic
- 16.4% thought information was missing from the website
- 80.6% thought the information was easy to understand with no jargon
- 84.3% thought the text and layout was clear and easy to view
The quantity of information on the website was:
- Not enough – 9%
- Just right – 74%
- Too much – 0.8%
We did
- we amended our website structure following feedback received during testing in May 2015
- we further improved our website structure following feedback received during February 2016
- we added more pages to our A to Z of services to make information easier to find
- we added supplements and links to certain web pages to make information easier to find
- we added information that you said was missing
- we reviewed all web pages, removed unnecessary information, and updated the page content where necessary
Want to know more?
For further information, please contact the Web Team.