With our partner organisations across the area, such as NHS Borders, we carry out a number of consultations and surveys every year. Here we report back on what you told us and what we did as a result of your comments.
- Annual taxi fares review 2016-17
- Budget Area Partnership feedback 2019-20
- Budget Dialogue tool feedback 2019-20
- Budget Question and Answer social media session
- Chambers Institute
- Community council scheme review - proposed amendments
- Equality mainstreaming report 2017-21 feedback
- Financial Planning 2016-21
- Financial planning 2018/19-equality impact assessment
- Health and Social Care Integration
- Health and Social Care Partnership - Community Led Support engagement events
- Land use strategy pilot project
- Local Housing Strategy 2017-22
- NHS Borders clinical strategy
- Online services survey report
- Parental involvement policy refresh 2015
- Review of polling places
- Scottish Borders Autism Strategy
- Scottish Borders Cycle Tourism Strategy
- Scottish Borders Equally Safe Strategy
- Scottish Borders Household Survey 2015
- Scottish Fire and Rescue Service: Local Plan for the Scottish Borders 2014-17
- Website redesign project