We are considering making more of our services available online. Before we do this we wanted to get a better understanding of how many people use the internet, what for and which of our services they would like to be able to use online.
A survey about online services was undertaken in July 2017. The survey was aimed at both those that do and that don’t use the internet in order to understand how people that are online use the internet, and the reasons why some people don’t use the internet at all.
The survey was made available on our website and hard copies were distributed at locations around the Borders.
We asked
We asked if you use the internet or not. Those that do use the internet were asked a number of questions relating to their use, such as what do you use it for and where do you use it. Those that said they don’t use the internet were asked their reasons for not doing so and whether they would like to be able to use it in the future.
You said
Face to face surveys were carried out at a number of locations across the Borders. A total of 650 responses were received.
The survey was made available in easy read format and distributed to the five Citizens’ Panels in the Borders. A total of 41 responses were received.
Download a copy of the survey report (an easy read survey report is also available).
We did
The results of the survey will be used to inform our Customer Strategy and the work of the Digital Transformation programme.