Business Rates FAQs

Business Rates charges

How are my Business Rates calculated?

Business rates are calculated by multiplying the Rateable Value (RV) of your property by the National Poundage Rate. Your RV is set by your local Assessor and the Poundage Rate set by the Scottish Government. You can find details on the current Poundage Rate on our Charges,Valuations and Appeals webpage.

The Rateable Value of a property is generally based on its estimated open market rental value on a specific date. If you're considering buying or leasing a commercial property you can view potential rates changes on the government website.

What if I do not agree with my Rateable Value?

By law, we must base your rates charges on the Rateable Value entered in the Valuation Roll. If you've any questions about the Rateable Value of your property, contact the assessor

How do I pay?

You can find more information on the different ways to pay, along with the instalments available, on our payments webpage.

Will I face penalties for non-payment?

If you don't pay and monies remain outstanding 14 days after issue of a final notice, we may apply for a Summary Warrant. The full amount outstanding would then become payable, together with a penalty of 10% of the amount due. If unpaid, this may result in legal proceedings against you to recover the debt.

What if I can't afford to pay my bill?

If you're struggling to keep up with payments contact our Customer Advice and Support Service.

Should I be paying less?    

There are many ways your bill can be reduced, for example:

I normally get SBBS as my property is empty, why don't I get this now?

From 1 April 2020, legislation states that businesses must be in occupation to be eligible for Small Business Bonus relief. If you're currently receiving this relief and your property has become empty or you are now a Business Rate payer with an empty property you may still be eligible for empty property relief.

I have heard that you have changed your bank account, do I need to do anything?

Our bank account changed from April 2020. If you use home or phone banking after that point, you'll need to use our new details:

  • Royal Bank of Scotland
  • Sort code: 83-26-34
  • Account number: 00601166

Our old bank account has now closed so any payments made to this will be rejected.

What do I do if I need to report a change?

If you sell your property, move into or out of a commercial property, please ensure you contact us immediately by completing our online form or phone 0300 100 1800, to amend your liability. Information we need include names of parties moving out or taking over the property, dates of occupation, any lease sales settlement dates and any details regarding solicitors involved in transactions.

Customer Advice and Support Service

Address: Council Headquarters
Newtown St. Boswells

Telephone: 0300 100 1800