Countryside access and rights of way

Path closures

Local authorities have powers to temporary close paths and land from access rights for a period of up to six days under section 11 of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003. These closures are called Exemption Orders.

Current and future closure details can be found online.

Exemption Orders

These are usually given when an event is being run that poses a risk to the public, for example, a car rally in a forest.

Exemption notices (map showing closure and legal document) will be erected, usually one or two weeks before the event, at places where we know that people may enter that land to enjoy their responsible access rights.

Notices will also be displayed at our Headquarters and nearby offices.

Sometimes paths may be closed for longer periods for health and safety reasons, for example, when tree felling is taking place or shut due to forestry operations.

View maps of current path closures View Scottish Borders routes and maps

Ranger service

Address: Council Headquarters
Newtown St. Boswells

Telephone: 01835 825070