How do I apply for a building warrant

Do I need a building warrant?

A building warrant is required to carry out most types of building work.

If you carry out work that requires a building warrant without first obtaining a warrant, you are committing an offence. You may be liable to a fine of up to £5k.

Some types of building work do not need to comply with the regulations and some types of work do not require a building warrant but must meet the standards.

You can find full details of works that do not require a building warrant by visiting the Building Standards Division website.

If you remain unsure if a building warrant is required, you should seek professional advice. We also provide a pre-application advice service and letter of conformation service.

Apply for a building warrant

You will need:

  • a completed application for a building warrant
  • plans of the work
  • a lodging fee

Further information is available on our building warrant application guidance page.

Apply online

You can make your application or submission online or you can download an application form to be completed and submitted along with paper plans and fee. 

The e-building standards portal contains all relevant applications and forms.


The plans should clearly indicate the nature of your proposals and how they relate to any adjoining or existing building:

  • the drawings must be to a known scale
  • alteration work or an extension should be clearly highlighted from the existing
  • the type of materials and products being used should be indicated
  • a location plan and site plan should be provided to show the position of the works
  • all drawings must be individually numbered
  • structural design certification or calculations as well as other supporting information may also be required

Lodging fee

The appropriate lodging fee, based on the estimated value of the works, should be made along with your application.

Do I need to do anything else before I start the work?

Planning permission

In many cases, both planning permission and a building warrant are needed. Find out what needs planning permission for more information.

Health and Safety Executive

If you are having construction or refurbishment work done, you may need to notify the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and you may have other duties as well.

European Protected Species

All bat species found in Scotland are classed as European Protected Species under the Conservation (Natural Habitats, & co.) Regulations 1994 (as amended). This lists a number of offences in relation to bats and their breeding and resting places (roosts). All contractors and building owners should be aware of their obligations when considering conversion of, alterations to and demolition of a building.

The Scottish Natural Heritage website provides additional information.

We also publish a Technical Advice Note providing guidelines for bat surveys.

Further information

Other useful information is available from our information and guidance page.

Apply for a building warrant

Building standards

Address: Council Headquarters
Newtown St. Boswells

Telephone: 0300 100 1800