Appeal a planning decision

An applicant can decide to challenge our decision on their planning application. Appeals are usually made after an application or other related consents have been refused planning permission, but can also be against a condition(s) of the consent or a non-determination of an application.

How to appeal a planning decision

How you appeal your planning decision depends on how the planning decision was made.

Decisions made by a planning officer

If your application was determined by a planning officer then any appeal will be reviewed by the Local Review Body. The Local Review Body is a Committee consisiting of the same elected local Councillors who make up the Planning and Building Standards Committee. They will review the decision taken by officers, based upon all the information submitted with the original applications, including any comments received during its consideration.

To appeal, complete a request for local review and return it to:

Scottish Borders Council
Council Headquarters
Newtown St. Boswells

The request for review must be completed and submitted within 3 months of the decision.

Decisions made by the Planning and Building Standards Committee

When a decision was taken at the Planning and Building Standards Committee, any appeal must be made to the Scottish Government's Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals (DPEA).

Appeals can be considered:

  • from written submissions
  • by a hearing
  • by public inquiry

Details on how to appeal can be found on the DPEA website.

Who can make an appeal?

Appeals can be made by the applicant or their agent only. Other parties cannot appeal against any decision taken. If you made a representation on an application you will be notified of any appeal and will be given further opportunity to comment.

Further information or advice

For help or advice on appealing a planning decision, contact Development Management.

Download a local review form Privacy notice for appellants' data

Development Management

Processing of planning applications, and advice on the need for planning permission

Address: Council Headquarters
Newtown St. Boswells

Telephone: 0300 100 1800