Apply online
Make a planning application online
You can make a planning application online. This is the most efficient means of making a planning application.
A fee is required to be paid with most applications for planning permission.
Advert fees
If we can’t notify neighbours or if the proposal is for a ‘bad neighbour’ development, we may need to advertise the application. In this case, you’ll need to pay an additional £80 advert fee before the application can be processed.
Postal planning application
You can submit a hard copy planning application either in person at our headquarters, or by post.
You can download planning application forms here. Different forms of planning consent may be needed for your development, so check the guidance note for the correct application type.
Please note:
- most application documents and correspondence will be published online
- complete all forms in black ink only
- most applications require a fee
- include necessary plans and drawings showing your site’s location and details
- it’s advisable to hire a professional to produce your drawings
- we will notify neighbours. If we can’t identify all owners, you must pay for any required advertisements. We’ll inform you if this is needed
We aim to act fairly when processing planning applications. Fill in our application equality questionnaire and submit it with your planning application.
Legal agreements
We have produced a short guidance note on the use of s.69 and s.75 legal agreements to secure development contributions.
Development Management
Processing of planning applications, and advice on the need for planning permission