What to do before commenting
Before commenting
- gather information: check the proposals in advance
- access files: all planning application files are available online on the public access portal and at the local planning office
- discuss with officer: the planning officer may discuss the application with anyone
When submitting comments, clearly state if you support, object, or just want to comment on the application. After inspecting the plans and you have concerns, your comments should focus on ‘material planning considerations’, and use the described methods to submit your comments.
Material planning considerations
Material planning considerations can include issues such as:
- the appearance of the proposal in terms of design
- siting and materials
- traffic parking or access problems
- residential amenity (noise, overshadowing)
- drainage and infrastructure
- impact on the natural or built environment
Material planning considerations do not include:
- private legal or ownership matters
- the impact of a proposal on views from a property
- the impact on the value of the property
Development Management
Processing of planning applications, and advice on the need for planning permission